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Orange County Truck Accident Lawyer

For anyone seeking the expertise of an Orange County Truck Accident Lawyer, understanding the severe implications of truck-related accidents in the region is crucial. On the highways and roads of Orange County, when a large truck collides with smaller vehicles, the aftermath can be devastating. Due to the overwhelming size and weight of commercial trucks, passengers in smaller vehicles often experience the harshest repercussions. If such a misfortune impacts you or a loved one, TorkLaw’s team of dedicated attorneys is here to assist. Navigating the complexities of personal injury law becomes simpler with their help, ensuring you secure the compensation you’re entitled to.

Second Busiest State for Trucking

California is the second busiest state for employed truck drivers, and it’s apparent. Whether you’re on the five or the 405, you won’t get far without seeing a Big Rig. Orange County sees a substantial amount of the trucking traffic in Southern California. It’s also home to some of the most hazardous freeway connectors and transitions.

Tractor-trailers or semi-trucks are among the most common type of commercial vehicles to see on the freeway. When they’re traveling at high speeds, a collision with them doesn’t just involve the risk of the weight of the cab. These trucks haul livestock, gases, liquids, may have refrigerated units, and other items that contribute to the weight and intensity of the accident.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Orange County

  1. Driver Fatigue: Long hours behind the wheel without adequate rest can lead to impaired judgment, slower reaction times, and accidents.
  2. Distracted Driving: Mobile phones, in-cab entertainment, or even meals can distract truck drivers from the task at hand.
  3. Mechanical Failures: Poorly maintained trucks can break down or malfunction, leading to disastrous results on the highway.
  4. Inadequate Training: Drivers without proper training can make critical errors in judgment, especially in challenging conditions.
  5. Impaired Driving: Drugs or alcohol can severely impair a truck driver’s ability to operate the vehicle safely.
  6. Overloaded Trucks: Exceeding a truck’s safe load capacity can make it difficult to steer and stop the truck effectively.

Types of Injuries in Truck Accidents

Truck accidents often result in severe and sometimes fatal injuries due to the disparity in size and weight between trucks and passenger vehicles. Some of the most common injuries TorkLaw has encountered include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries: Concussions or more severe forms can have long-lasting effects on cognition and motor skills.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Accidents can lead to partial or complete paralysis.
  • Broken Bones: The force of a collision can easily result in fractures.
  • Burns: If either vehicle catches fire after the impact.
  • Internal Injuries: Damage to organs or internal bleeding might not be immediately apparent but can be life-threatening.
  • Lacerations and Abrasions: These can lead to permanent scars and require extensive medical treatment.

Determining Liability in Truck Accidents

Liability in truck accidents can be more complex than in other vehicle accidents. The driver might be at fault, but the trucking company, maintenance providers, or truck manufacturers could also hold responsibility. An Orange County Truck Accident Lawyer from TorkLaw can help in:

  • Investigating the Accident: Gathering evidence, police reports, and witness statements to determine the cause.
  • Reviewing Logbooks: Ensuring the driver adhered to federal regulations concerning rest periods.
  • Inspecting Maintenance Records: Verifying the truck was properly maintained.
  • Assessing the Truck’s Load: Checking if the truck was overloaded or improperly loaded.
  • Hiring Expert Witnesses: Experts can recreate the accident scene or testify about specific mechanical failures.

Why Choose a TorkLaw Truck Accident Lawyer?

Q&A: Truck Accidents in Orange County

Q: Can I file a lawsuit if I was partially at fault for the accident?

A: California follows a “comparative negligence” rule, meaning even if you were partially at fault, you could still recover damages. However, the amount would be reduced by your percentage of fault.


Q: How long do I have to file a claim after a truck accident?

A: In California, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years from the date of the accident. However, it’s best to consult with an Orange County Truck Accident Lawyer as soon as possible.


Q: What compensation can I expect after a truck accident?

A: Compensation can cover medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. Each case is unique, so discussing specifics with an attorney is vital.


Q: What should I do immediately after a truck accident?

A: Ensure your safety, get medical attention, gather evidence if possible, avoid admitting fault, and consult with an attorney.


Secure Your Rights with a TorkLaw Truck Accident Lawyer

Your path to recovery, both physically and financially, requires expert guidance. In Orange County, TorkLaw stands as a beacon of hope for pedestrian accident victims. Our dedicated team understands the intricacies of personal injury law, ensuring you receive the rightful compensation you deserve. Reach out today to an Orange County Truck Accident Lawyer at TorkLaw. Don’t wait; your path to justice and compensation begins with a call to TorkLaw. Contact us now at (888) 845-9696. for a comprehensive, free consultation.

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