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Denver Truck Accident Lawyer

Trucks are some of the largest vehicles on the road. When they collide with other vehicles or skid off the road, they can cause serious harm to everyone involved. Some of these injuries can forever impact the harmed person’s quality of life. If this hurt happens to you, you could be entitled to compensation for everything you’ve lost.

Denver truck accident lawyers understand how severe these accidents can be. They are ready to hear your situation and determine what you are owed and how they can help you. While you focus on recovering, they can deal with the ins and outs of the legal system, ensuring you get the money you deserve for your hurt.

Types of Semi-Truck Accidents

Semi-trucks are massive. Thanks to their size, they can cause catastrophic harm if something goes wrong. There are several types of accidents that are more common than others.

Jackknife: This accident occurs when a semi-truck hits its brakes suddenly. The trailer swings out, potentially flipping over the truck and taking other vehicles along the way.

Head-On Or Rear-On Collision: A semi may run over a vehicle, or a smaller car might crash into the back of the semi. In either circumstance, the smaller car falls apart on impact.

Tire Blowouts: Semi-trucks are heavy. When their tires blow out, their vehicle can swing across the road and run over vehicles.

Underride Accidents: These are the most dangerous. In an underride accident, a vehicle gets caught underneath a semi-truck. The front of the vehicle is ripped off the frame.

Blind Spot: Some semi-trucks don’t see smaller vehicles in their blind spots. When they move over, they can run over the car or push it off the road.

Some of these accidents are worse than others. However, all of them can cause serious injury to the driver and anyone else involved. The fault might be the driver of either vehicle.

Common Injuries in Truck Accidents

A semi-truck is much bigger than most vehicles on the road. If someone is hit by one of these vehicles, they can suffer serious harm. They may need to take time out of work or pay extensive medical bills to get their bodies back in shape. Some injuries are worse than others and depend on the type of crash.

Here are a few of the most common injuries in truck accidents:

  • Broken bones
  • Spinal injuries
  • Burns
  • Amputations
  • Brain and head injuries
  • Fatality
  • Paralysis

These can forever change a person’s quality of life. The worst injuries in a truck accident can lead to death.

Denver truck accident lawyers are familiar with the injuries that occur in truck accident cases. They understand that it can take a long time to heal, potentially leaving your family vulnerable to the world. Our professionals will work hard to ensure you can relax and heal while they fight for what is yours.

What can a Denver lawyer recover? What items can they bring back for you in a legal case? There are many things you can earn compensation for in a legal case.

Damages Denver Lawyers Can Recover

Denver truck accident lawyers have experience in the field. They understand that insurance companies can put up a fight, determined to rob you of your belongings. The items they can recover fall under three categories.

Here are a few of the items Denver truck accident lawyers can recover for you:

  • Economic damages: These include expenses related to lost wages, medical expenses, and anything else that can be added up in a numerical amount.
  • Non-economic damages: These include items like pain and suffering, mental anguish, and disfigurement.
  • Punitive damages: These occur as a punishment for the person who caused the accident. A lawyer may place them on the trucker to pay you back for what happened.

These cover all aspects of your life after a truck accident.

Sometimes, the worst harm isn’t visible until a few weeks have passed after the accident. Lawyers will work with you to determine what you are owed and how you can get it back. They want nothing less than to give you peace of mind.

Speak to Professionals At TorkLaw

If you or someone you love was hurt in a truck accident, we can help. Reach out to TorkLaw for contact with our Denver truck accident lawyers. Our professionals will speak to you through a free consultation to determine if you have a case on your hands. If you do, they will work you through the legalities of the situation.

Truck accidents can cause serious harm. Some of the worst ones can kill people, drastically changing the lives of those around them. Our Denver truck accident lawyers are ready to do everything they can to get you the money you deserve. As they work, you can focus on getting your life back together and recovering from the injury.

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