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Denver Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain injuries are one of the scariest things that can happen to a person. They can take many forms, from concussions to hemorrhages. Some are recoverable, while others may lower their quality of life forever. In the worst cases, a brain injury can bring death to the affected individual.

Denver brain injury lawyers at TorkLaw understand the mental and financial impact a brain injury can have on a family. That’s why we work hard to ensure you and your loved ones get the compensation you deserve for the harm done.

Brain Injury Types

Brain injuries come in all shapes and sizes. Although it’s encased in solid bone, it’s still susceptible to many injuries. It’s critical to be aware of all the possibilities.

  • Hemorrhage: This injury involves uncontrollable bleeding around the brain. It can occur in the brain or between the skull and brain tissue.
  • Hematoma: This event occurs when there is a collection of blood gathering outside the blood vessels. They can clot and build pressure inside the skull, leading to permanent brain damage or loss of consciousness.
  • Skull Fracture: The skull is one of the strongest bones in the body, lacking marrow like other parts. It is the best line of defense for the brain. If there is a fracture in the skull, it loses the ability to keep your brain safe from harm.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury: These items can be mild or severe and may go away in time. However, they can also cause bruising and physical damage to the brain.
  • Concussion: The most common type of brain injury is a concussion. These occur when the brain physically moves within the skull, potentially causing permanent brain damage.

Symptoms of Brain Injuries

Some symptoms won’t appear in a victim until the damage progresses. Others are apparent right away. Some symptoms reveal an injury that is worse than others.

Here are minor symptoms of a brain injury:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus
  • Minor confusion
  • Nausea
  • Headache

Here are some signs of a more severe brain injury:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Seizures
  • Memory loss
  • Balance and coordination troubles
  • Worsening headache
  • Sudden changes in mood
  • Loss of muscle function
  • Severe disorientation
  • Vomiting
  • Eye movements are different from usual
  • Inability to focus with the eyes
  • Clear fluid leaks from the ears or nose

It can take a long time to heal from brain injuries. Some victims must spend extensive time in rehabilitation centers with professionals, relearning skills lost in the accident.

Causes of Brain Injuries

Many items could cause a brain injury. Some of them are thanks to the negligence of others, but some can be self-inflicted. However, if your brain injury is due to negligence, you might be able to earn financial compensation.

Here are a few possible causes of brain injuries in a city like Denver:

  • Violence with a blow to the head
  • Seizures
  • Stroke
  • Illnesses and infections
  • Vehicular accidents
  • Serious falls
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Tumors
  • Military maneuvers
  • Brain infections and inflammation
  • Lack of oxygen

Some of these injuries are more serious than others.

The longer a brain is without oxygen, the more damage it receives. Unfortunately, many brain injuries are not the fault of the injured. The cause is often negligence or an unseen medical condition.

Denver Brain Injury Lawyers Prove Negligence

If you work with TorkLaw and our Denver brain injury lawyers, we will work to prove the negligence of the other party to ensure you receive the compensation you need. A little money can go a long way as you or your loved one push forward on the road to recovery.

Here are a few items we will prove:

  • Duty: There must be a duty the accused owed to the harmed individual.
  • Break of Duty: The accused must have breached their duty.
  • Causation: The breach of duty lead to the injury.
  • Proximate Cause: The actions of the defendant were the closest cause of the injury.
  • Damages: Legal harm occurred due to the negligence of the accused.

These can help your case and determine who is at fault.

It can be terrifying to handle the ins and outs of Denver legal cases all by yourself. It’s beneficial to have a professional on your side, and the Denver brain injury lawyers at TorkLaw are prepared to provide everything you need to get your life back on track.

Reach Out to TorkLaw for Assistance

Brain injuries can happen instantly, altering the lives of the impacted forever. If you or a loved one experienced brain trauma in Denver, feel free to reach out to TorkLaw. We can offer a free consultation to determine the details of your case. If there’s a chance your injury came from negligence, we can work to get the compensation you deserve.

Our Denver brain injury lawyers are experts in the field, working with victims over the years. They understand the pain and loss that come with a brain injury. If you have a case and enough evidence, they will stop at nothing to get the justice you deserve. Compensation can’t fix a brain injury, but it can help.

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