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Denver Wrongful Death Lawyer

Unfortunately, some experts are not as good as they claim to be. Sometimes, a loved one might pass away due to the negligence of another. If this tragedy occurs, you may be entitled to compensation on behalf of the deceased person. A Denver wrongful death lawyer can help you determine the best next steps for your situation and decide if you have a case.

Denver wrongful death lawyers understand the pain that comes with losing someone unexpectedly. It can take a long time to recover when someone dies without warning, and they want nothing less than to seek justice for you and your family. While you grieve, they can take care of everything in the legal case for beneficial results.

What Counts As A Wrongful Death?

A wrongful death happens when someone passes away thanks to the negligence of another person. For example, a surgeon that completes the process incorrectly could be held liable for wrongful death. A taxi driver that gets in a car crash could also be involved in this legal case. If it’s their job to keep someone alive and they don’t, there’s a problem.

If a person dies at the hand of another, they can’t seek legal damages. After all, they’ve passed away. However, their loved ones can seek compensation for what happened. The person who is at fault typically ends up paying for the damages and covering all losses thanks to the negligence.

If you have lost a loved one and you think it occurred due to the negligence of another, it’s critical to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Don’t speak to insurance and don’t talk to anyone who could warp the case against you. A wrongful death lawyer knows what they are doing.

Common Wrongful Death Case Causes

Many items can cause wrongful death. It’s critical to be aware of these to determine if yours lines up with any of these options. Wrongful deaths can occur in any location where one person is responsible for the safety of another.

Here are a few common causes of wrongful death cases:

  • Workplace: A person may die in the workplace due to dangerous conditions. This injury may intertwine with their insurance.
  • Traffic: If the deceased was not at fault in the traffic accident, you might be able to earn compensation for the disaster.
  • Defective products: A product built incorrectly can bring death to a person. Items as simple as toys can cause a child to pass away.
  • Medical malpractice: If a surgeon does something wrong, they can kill a person in surgery. The person was not supposed to die under their care.
  • Construction site: These locations are dangerous. If a construction worker passes away, you can seek compensation for the death.
  • Premises: These include slip and fall accidents where the owner of the property should have cared for the location. They are at fault for any harm that occurs that they didn’t warn the person about.

These can turn deadly in no time.

If any of these apply to your situation, speak to a Denver wrongful death lawyer. They can determine if you have a case and help you with the next steps.

Of course, it’s critical to remember that you only have a certain amount of time to file your case. It’s critical to be aware of the statute of limitations.

Colorado Wrongful Death Statute of Limitations

If you lost a loved one in a wrongful death case, it’s critical to speak to a professional as soon as possible. If you don’t, you may run out of time.

The Colorado statute of limitations in a wrongful death is two years. You have two years from the date the person passed away to create a case and bring it to court. If you don’t, there is a chance you can never get the situation resolved legally.

There are exceptions to the rule. If your loved one passed away in a hit-and-run accident, you have four years from the fate of their death to determine if you want to deal with a case. Reach out to Denver wrongful death lawyers to see if they can help you. If they can, you can get compensation for the loss.

Contact Experts at TorkLaw

If someone you love passed away due to the negligence of another, you can fight for compensation on their behalf. Speak to our Denver wrongful death lawyers at TorkLaw for free to determine if you have a case. If you do, they can move forward and work through the complicated legal process.

There is nothing worse than an unexpected death. Losing someone you love can rattle your world, changing the way everything works forever. Our Denver wrongful death lawyers will seek justice for what you and your loved one have endured. As they work, you can sit back and process the situation as best as possible.

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