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Tampa Car Accident Lawyer

Car crashes are one of the top causes of severe injury in the Tampa area. If you or a loved one were in an accident that caused harm at no fault of your own, you need a Tampa car accident lawyer to receive the compensation you deserve. They can examine your case and determine if you can win.

Lawyers handle car accident cases often. They are professionals and will help you pull your information together, looking out for your interests in this life-changing time.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Tampa

There are a million things that can cause car accidents. If you want to receive payment for your case, it’s critical to prove negligence on the part of the other driver. To prove that, you need to demonstrate why they crashed.

Here are a few of the most common causes of horrendous accidents in Tampa:

  • Under the influence: Individuals under the influence of drugs or alcohol often cause crashes. Often, they are left unharmed in the accident, while you suffer and take severe damage.
  • Distracted driving: Texting, talking, singing, and many other items make up distracted driving. Moving your eyes from the road can remove time to react in a crash.
  • Speeding: Drivers moving too fast have no time to slow down. These are one of the most common ways people die in accidents.
  • Environmental trouble: Rain, snow, wind, fog, and many other weather conditions make it easy to lose your way on the road.
  • Drowsy: Sleepiness is an impairment. If a driver drifts off on the road, they can crash into cars and cause serious harm.

No matter what causes the accident, your life may change. Compensation could help the situation significantly.

Injuries from Car Accidents in Tampa

There are varying levels of hurt that come with car accidents. Some are clear right away, such as with breaks of bleeding wounds. Others, like brain injuries, won’t be as clear.

Here are some of the injuries victims of car accidents suffer most often:

  • Bone fractures: Pressure on the bones in a crash can cause them to splinter or break. The items affected most often include the femur, sternum, fibula, and ribs.
  • Head and neck injuries: Many individuals experience excess pressure on their spine and head in a crash, resulting in spinal cord injuries and herniated discs. These injuries can warrant much longer bedrest and can alter the life of the victim.
  • Burns: Crashes mean lots of heat. Explosions and fires can cause severe damage to the skin and even result in death.
  • Brain injuries: It doesn’t take much to harm the brain. An accident means a sudden stop, forcing the head into a solid object. These can impact the body in the long term.

Damages Available to Claim in Tampa

Every state has different damages available to claim. There are two notable types in Florida.

Here are two types of damages you can claim in Florida:

  • Compensatory: These damages deal with medical bills, childcare, and even severe trauma, among others.
  • Punitive: These payments include a financial penalty the court enacts if they think the responsible party needs additional punishment for their actions.

Each can be helpful if you need to pay for multiple items.

Ensure you know what you can claim if you or a loved one was in an accident in Tampa. Our lawyers can help you determine what is available with your case.

Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Suits in Florida

The statute of limitations is the time you have to file a personal injury suit before the case goes out the window. Every state has a different statute of limitations, so it’s critical to understand how long you have to file before it’s too late.

If you are working with a personal injury case founded on negligence, you have four years to file in Florida. However, if your case is not filed on negligence, you only have two years to complete the process.

It’s critical to determine who was at fault in your case. If it was you, it’s impossible to use the statute of limitations for a negligence case. Our lawyers can help you determine the right choice.

Call Tampa Car Accident Lawyers at TorkLaw

If you or a loved one experienced a severe injury in a car crash, you need a lawyer to assist with any potential financial compensation for your injuries. You need to show that the other party was negligent, but it might be overwhelming to do it yourself. A lawyer can gather everything and ensure you have a case before moving forward.

As soon as you are in a position to reach out, contact TorkLaw for a free consultation. We can examine your situation and determine if there is a way to receive payment for the damage you have received. Our lawyers have plenty of experience in car crashes and are by your side the entire way.

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